
Grand Challenges in Science: Opportunities for Science Teaching

In an email letter send to all members of NARST, its President, Charlene M. Czerniak reminded members of the theme of next year's NARST annual meeting: Grand Challenges and Great Opportunities in Science Education.  In her letter, she reminded us that a number of...

From Oil to Wind: An STS Project

Teaching students about the Earth's energy future is an important goal of science education.  In the news these days is the debate (because of $4+ gas in the US) about off shore drilling, energy independence (an oxymoron?), wind and other alternative energies.  How...

CRCT: A Failed System in Georgia: It Needs to Change.

In yesterday's Atlanta Journal-Constitution an article reported that the Georgia State Department of Education knew students would fail the social studies test in huge numbers, but refused to share this information with superintendents, teachers or parents in the...

Risk Assessment Plan Judged “Flawed” by National Research Council

The Bush administration's Office of Management and Budget prepared a plan to change the rules determining whether chemicals and other products pose risks to human health. The plan was reviewed by The National Research Council, and they concluded that the report was...

Risk Assessment Plan Judged "Flawed" by National Research Council

The Bush administration's Office of Management and Budget prepared a plan to change the rules determining whether chemicals and other products pose risks to human health. The plan was reviewed by The National Research Council, and they concluded that the report was...

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I wish the readers of this blog a Happy Thanksgiving, and hope that you have a wonderful day. Jack Hassard

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