Teacher Evaluation

Why Chetty’s Value-Added Model Studies Leave Me Unconvinced

Why Chetty’s Value-Added Model Studies Leave Me Unconvinced

Latest Story This is another significant analysis of the use of VAM scores that are being used to make tenure and retention decisions about teachers. If you haven’t read any of Dr. O’Neil’s articles, here is a great one to start with, especially given the Vergara v...

The Absurdity of Teacher Evaluation Systems

The Absurdity of Teacher Evaluation Systems

  There was an article today in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that really got my gander up.  The article, written by AJC blogger Maureen Downey, was entitled Grading on a curve.  The article was about teacher evaluation systems.  Downey's article focused on...

Two Strikes Against Teacher Evaluation Schemes

Two curve balls were thrown at the movement to evaluate teachers using student tests scores and classroom observations.  Both were strikes! Attempts to evaluate teachers have focused on classroom observations of teacher performance, and the contributions (value added)...

Will Georgia Follow Florida and Release Teacher VAM-Like Scores?

  Will Georgia follow Florida by releasing teacher VAM-like scores?  In Florida's case, the Florida Times-Union released links to all 116,723 teachers' VAM scores in an extraordinary unethical move that has happened other locations, including New York, and California....

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