Teacher Education

How to teach science education courses real good?

Science methods courses ought to be just as interesting and exciting as the best high school geology or physics class. How to teach science education courses to achieve this goal is the subject of this weblog entry. We've often talked about "how to teach science?"...

Constantly Striving for Inquiry-Based Learning

I received an email from a science educator colleague and friend, and he included a copy of a paper that he presented last fall at conference among science teacher educators. The paper, entitled "The journey from powerful ideas to classroom practice:Enacting inquiry...

Teaching Globally: Teaching in Another Culture

Charles Hutchison's new book, Teaching in America leads me to think about the experiences we've had in exchange programs for students and teachers. In the 1990s, many of us were involved with a number of countries, including the USSR (Russia and the other Independent...

Teaching in America: A Cross-Cultural Guide for International Teachers

Dr. Charles Hutchison, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, has published a new book entitled Teaching in America, A Cross-Cultural Guide for International Teachers and Their Employers (Springer Publishers, The Netherlands, 2005). Dr. Hutchison's book grew out...

Tale of Two Conferences

Tale of Two-Conferences, one for Educators, One for Newspaper Editors Since I’m from Boston, but have lived in metro-Atlanta area for 36 years, I wondered what all the fuss was about when I read the headlines in the last two editions of the Marietta Daily...

Web-Based Teaching, Just Another Fad?

Jerry Squire, a twenty-year veteran science teacher in a midwestern urban high school, was sitting in the audience at a staff development conference listening to a speaker from a science education research and development center present ideas about the benefits of...

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