Teach for America

Why Should Mr. Ed Johnson Be Elected to the Atlanta School Board?

Why Should Mr. Ed Johnson Be Elected to the Atlanta School Board?

Latest Story The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education. Martin Luther King Mr. Ed Johnson is one of the candidates running for Atlanta Board of...

Georgia’s Turnaround Plan: Hire TFA and TNTP Cadets

Like all states that were winners in the Race to the Top (RT3) competition, Georgia's scope of work entails four "project" areas: (1) standards and assessment (2) data systems (3) great teachers and leaders and (4) turn around the lowest achieving schools. In this...

Is Georgia’s Race to the Top a Good Idea?

Is Georgia’s Race to the Top a Good Idea?

A report was published this week that ought to raise the eyebrows of a lot of Georgians.  The report is an analysis of the progress of the the U.S. Department of Education's signature program, the $4.5 billion Race to the Top Fund.  Georgia snagged nearly a...

The Art of Mingling Practice and Theory in Teaching

This article is the Fourth in a series on The Artistry of Teaching.   In 1896, the laboratory school of the University of Chicago opened its doors under the directorship of John Dewey (Fishman and McCarthy 1998).  Dewey’s idea was to create an environment for social...

Results Are In: NCTQ Report on Teacher Prep Rated with Four Cautions

In the last four posts, I have written articles that call out the National Council on Teacher Quality on the basis of their built-in bias against teacher preparation institutions, and their confrontational style of what they call research. In the last post I used...

Teach for America: A Closer Look: Part 2

Part 2.  You can read Part 1 here. A Closer Look at Teach for America Teach for America is a program that recruits hundreds of teachers each year, gives them a four-week boot-camp style summer program, and then places them in school districts in which TFA has...

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