Latest Article on the Artistry of Teaching Around 1990, I started working on a research project which was published as a book entitled Minds on Science (library copy). I was interested in exploring teaching from a humanistic and progressive point of view. One aspect...
Guest Post by Ed Johnson This post is a letter written by Ed Johnson, an advocate and citizen for improving education in the Atlanta Public Schools. This letter is especially timely in light of the consequences of the Atlanta and State of Georgia testing debacle....
In the last post on this blog, in which I argued it was a mistake for large districts like Chicago to carry out mass school closings, readers expressed strong opinions on the issue of closure. The post was also published on Anthony Cody's blog, Living in Dialog over...
Zack Kopplin is an American science education activist. While he was a high school student at Baton Rouge Magnet High School, the Louisiana legislature passed the Louisiana Science Education Act signed by Governor Bobby Jindal. Zack Kopplin, who is now a history...
If you go over to the U.S. Department of Education website, you will find the Secretary Arne Duncan's statement on the release of the 2011 TIMSS and PIRLS assessment. You can read it online here, and I've copied it and posted it below. Highlighted (my own) words...
Florida Republican lawmakers, including the Governor, are setting their sights on extending the corporate-driven mode of education that now dominates K-12 education, to higher education. Indeed, with their strong business backgrounds they want to exert their...