Guest Letter by Mr. Ed Johnson, Advocate for Education, Atlanta, GA Ed Johnson wrote a letter in response to the Atlanta Public Schools Equity Audit which was prepared by researchers at Georgia State University to look at differences in the characteristics across...
Joyce Murdock Feilke has created and published this poster, that came about from her experiences in Austin, Texas as a Texas School Counselor. In several earlier posts, her experiences were featured on this blog, and you can read about them here. The powerful message...
I started this blog in 2005 to augment my book The Art of Teaching Science (Public Library), and to write about progressive & humanistic science teaching. Over the years it morphed into a blog that not only explores science education, but its more of a...
It might seem extreme to you for me to write about the psychological abuse of children in schools. However, at the end of the post, I hope you will understand why I did. Although the content of this post might seem to some to be controversial, I believe that...
It seems as if one Georgia couple says yes. In Marietta, a Georgia a couple has refused to allow their children at the West Side Elementary school to take the high-stakes Criterion Referenced Competency Test (CRCT). These parents informed the school's principal...
Reblogged from Stop the CRCT Madness by Stephanie Jones. Dr. Jones' research engages the intersections of social class, gender, and race with language, literacies, and educational equity with a particular interest in social class and poverty. You can follow...