Health & Medicine

Coronavirus: What We Can Learn from Doctors Without Borders

Coronavirus: What We Can Learn from Doctors Without Borders

Doctors Without Borders was founded to save lives and take action. Likewise, it has treated tens of millions of people since 1971. It was founded by a small group of young doctors, and they were known as Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). In English, Doctors without...

Is Georgia Out Of It’s Mind?

Is Georgia Out Of It’s Mind?

On April 20, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp decided to let some businesses open their doors on Friday, April 24th. These include gyms, fitness centers, bowling alleys, body art studios, barbers, cosmetologists, hair designers, nail care artists, estheticians, their...

COVID-19 Expert Roundup

COVID-19 Expert Roundup

Knowledge about the coronavirus is crucial in a democratic society. The knowledge that is shared on media outlets should be truthful, and based on medical and scientific observations and research. My first post on the COVID-19 virus, Seeking Knowledge About...

Want to know how many people have the coronavirus? Test randomly

Want to know how many people have the coronavirus? Test randomly

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. It's an important article, especially when governors around the country are thinking about opening their state to businesses and events that up to now have been shut down. People are...

When Will We Return to Normal?

When Will We Return to Normal?

If we slow the spread, can we return to normal? The United States now has 519,453 COVID-19 cases. That's more cases than Spain, Italy, China, and South Korea combined. There are still a handful of U.S. states that have not put in place state-wide mitigation plans such...

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