Health & Medicine

Georgia Is Not Ready to Go Back to School

Georgia Is Not Ready to Go Back to School

Georgia schools should not open. If they are open, they should close. A red line of at least 10% must be reached, but many say that a 5% test rate should be reached. Georgia’s rate of infection is 13%. Not the time to open schools.

Why Isn’t Testing free, easy, fast and accurate in the U.S.?

Why Isn’t Testing free, easy, fast and accurate in the U.S.?

Ten days ago I was tested for COVID-19. I found out today that my test was negative. As you will find out, this kind of delay between test and result is unacceptable. Yet, with COVID-19 raging again around the country, this is the normal for testing. This is an article by Zoë McLaren published on the Conversation, and republished here under a Creative Commons license.

Do I have Covid-19?

Do I have Covid-19?

Do I have COVID-19? About 1.1 million people in Georgia have been tested for COVID-19. Nearly 21,000 new cases were reported today. Although the number of positive tests has been about 10%, today’s results indicated that 16% of the tests were positive. To stop the spread of the virus, contact tracing needs to be expanded and supported. But will it?

Face Masks for Health, Art & Science

Face Masks for Health, Art & Science

Face masks are one of the most effective ways to protect others and yourself from being infected by COVID-19. In this post I'll discuss how face masks are not only a crucial health standard, they are also supported by science research, and provide a way to express...

Masks Help Stop The Spread of Coronavirus-the Science is Simple…

Masks Help Stop The Spread of Coronavirus-the Science is Simple…

Masks help stop the spread of coronavirus – the science is simple and I'm one of 100 experts urging governors to require public mask-wearing. Evidence is growing that when masks are worn by nearly everyone, it can slow coronavirus transmission. AP Photo/Rick Bowmer...

Has Georgia Reached A Coronavirus Inflection Point?

Has Georgia Reached A Coronavirus Inflection Point?

Has Georgia reached an inflection point in the outbreak of coronavirus in the state? Is there any evidence that a peak has been reached in the cumulative number of COVID-19 cases in Georgia? In this post, I'll explore these questions. Georgia has been one of the top...

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