Earth Science

Water on the Moon

NASA scientists, of  Project LCROSS, have reported that there is water in one of the moon's craters, and that there is more water in this crater than there is in the Sahara Desert.  The water, in the form of ice crystals, makes up about 5 - 8% of the crater's mixture....

The Legacy of Katrina

This weekend is the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, which devastated New Orleans, and much of the Gulf Coast region.  Perhaps the best way to start this post is to watch this video which I embeded from the Hurricane Katrina page.  The video is a...

BP Gulf Oil Spill Images

The latest word on effort to plug the BP offshore oil well using the "Top Kill" procedure is that the effort is continuing, but the company has not determined whether it is working, or that it won't work. According to a report in the New York Times, BP will continue...

The BP Oil Spill Compared to Previous Spills

As I write this post, BP has begun their "top kill" maneuver to stop the flow of oil by plugging the well with mud. This technique has not been used at such great depths, and we'll have to wait perhaps for a couple of days to find out the result of this approach to...

How Much Oil is Spilling into the Gulf?

There is enormous frustration setting in as the BP Gulf oil spill continues into its second month devastating vast areas of the American gulf coast. To this date, we do not know how much oil is spilling into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. The original estimate...

The Importance of Geology in Science Teaching

Since January, we have experienced a number of geological events that have caused havoc and misery to many people around the Earth.  On January 12, Haiti was rocked with a magnitude 7 earthquake causing the destruction of the many cities and towns including the...

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