Earth Science

The Day the Dinosaurs Died

The Day the Dinosaurs Died

Dinosaurs lived and roamed the earth for hundreds of millions of years. But they disappeared from geological rock record about 66 million years ago. What happened to them? Don Peck, science educator and geologist, and long time colleague and friend has some answers to...

Jack Hills Zircon: Evidence of a Very Old Earth

Latest Story In a report published in Nature Geoscience, a scientific team studying rocks in Australia, used Australian zircons in the Jack Hills that are embedded in the rocks to decide the age and history of these rocks. They found evidence that the Earth's crust...

NAT GEO The Wild Mississippi

NAT GEO presents The Wild Mississippi, a three-part TV program on Sunday, February 12.  I viewed the three episodes today, and recommend that you tune in Sunday night at 8:00 P.M (Eastern) to view the first of the three episodes.  The second and third episodes follow...

The Dinosaur Footprints Puzzle: Is it pedagogy or paleontology?

In the last post I reviewed the article "Tracking the Footprints Puzzle: The Problematic persistence of science-as-process in teaching the nature and culture of science by Charles Ault and Jeff Dodick which was published in the recent issue of the journal Science...

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