
Ten Commitments for Classroom Learning

Ten Commitments for Classroom Learning

Rather than bringing religion into school, there are values that all students and teachers can ascribe to regardless of their own religious beliefs. We can find these in our history—all of our history. In my own case, as a teacher, professor, and author, I have underscored my work as a writer and teacher with humanistic ideals. This post introduces you to the Ten Commitments.

In Science Teaching, What Does it Mean to Teach Evolution Objectively?

In Science Teaching, What Does it Mean to Teach Evolution Objectively?

In a comment about the earlier post on this blog, Evolution Might be a Law, But Student Ideas are Important, Dr. Robert Lattimer, President of Citizens for Objective Public Education, raised an important idea about science teaching.  When evolution is taught in our...

Messing with Georgia’s Social Studies Curriculum

Messing with Georgia’s Social Studies Curriculum

According to the Governor of Georgia, now is the time to write a new social studies curriculum. Why now? Well, Mr. Deal has signed on to the Common Core, but rumblings from his own political party, especially the right-wing Tea Party have caused him to possibly...

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