"Evolution" stickers are back in court, and I am back online. I had been on trip to England. And there in England, on every £10 (pound) note was a picture of Charles Darwin (replacing the other Charles, Charles Dickens). All I could think of was what would happen...
Whew! What a day. First, the court case in Dover, PA came to a close on last Friday, and then yesterday all of the school board members that supported the inclusion of Intelligent Design into the science curriculum were swept out of office. That's right they all lost...
Galileo's Mistake. That title of a book caught my attention. I have always been interested in Galileo's life and the contributions that he made to science, thus, the title was intriguing. Written by Wade Rowland, Ethics in Communication professor at Ryerson University...
Galileo's Mistake. That title of a book caught my attention. I have always been interested in Galileo's life and the contributions that he made to science, thus, the title was intriguing. Written by Wade Rowland, Ethics in Communication professor at Ryerson University...
A great dialog is going on right now in the midst of the Dover, PA school district's defense of insisting that teachers read a statement in biology classes that upgrades Intelligent Design to the level of Darwin's and Wallace's concept of natural selection and the...
In today's Marietta Daily Journal and the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, it was reported that the Cobb County School District (one of the largest districts in Georgia) was in the process of removing stickers from more than 34,000 science textbooks that included the...