
Should science teaching be political? A Humanistic Question

I could have titled this "Is science teaching political?: A Humanistic Question." In an article (Scientific literacy: A Freirean perspective as a radical view of humanistic science education) recently published in Science Education, Wildson L.P. dos Santos, of the...

Climate Change, Politics and Science Teaching

The new administration in Washington has made it clear that it climate change would be one of the science-related issues that it would deal with, and there is clearly some evidence to support this.  In an article in USA Today, entitled Politics heats up global warming...

Education and the Economic Recovery Bill

Today I want to focus on how education will play a crucial role in the Economic Recovery & Reinvestment Bill, and will focus on education and schooling, as well as some comments about science education. Firstly, the amount of funds being directed into the...

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