For those of you cleaning out closets, desks and garages, you might find this story interesting. I found a manuscript that was “out of sight, out of mind” for 40 years. It was a marvelous discovery.
Figure 1. Carl Sagan and the Universe. Copyright sillyrabbitmythsare4kids, Creative Commons Science has been prominent in the media recently. Stories and programs including the Bill Nye-Ken Ham "debate" on origins, anti-science legislation in Wyoming...
This is Part One of Bill Moyers' interview with astrophysicist Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson. Tyson is director of the Hayden Planetarium, at the American Museum of Natural History. In the interviews with Moyers, Dr. Tyson explores the nature of an expanding universe,...
Latest Story In a report published in Nature Geoscience, a scientific team studying rocks in Australia, used Australian zircons in the Jack Hills that are embedded in the rocks to decide the age and history of these rocks. They found evidence that the Earth's crust...
Note: I didn't lead three lives, but I did go to the Soviet Union more than 25 times! From 1981 - 2000, I was part of group of students, teachers and researchers who participated in reciprocal trips to the former Soviet Union as part of the Global Thinking Project...
Eighth Article in the Series, Artistry in Teaching In this article I am going talk about a project that grew out of personal and professional relationships among teachers from different countries. Through reciprocal exchanges among educators in U.S. (most of...