
PISA Day: Your education today is your economy tomorrow

PISA Day: Your education today is your economy tomorrow

"Your education today is your economy tomorrow," is a quote from Andreas Schleicher from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), who has become one of the world's most influential figures in education. I took this statement off the PISA Day...

A Reporter from Ireland Previews the Release of PISA Test Results

A Reporter from Ireland Previews the Release of PISA Test Results

As I mentioned yesterday, I am in England, and when I do an Internet search I often run across articles and reports from journals and newspapers in this part of the world. I did a search on PISA 2013 test results which will be released tomorrow (Tuesday, December 3rd)...

Georgia’s High-Stakes Plan Based on Erroneous Conclusions

"High-stakes plan could change teachers pay," is the title of an article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution paper. The article is a good review of the history behind why the state is going to move to "merit" pay, and how the Race to Top grant that Georgia won in 2010...

Moneyball, Baseball, Teaching & Learning: Is there a Relationship?

  Moneyball: A book and a movie based on real events in which a baseball team is assembled using analytical, evidence-based, and sabermetric methods.  Sabermetrics is derived from the acronym  SABR meaning Society for American Baseball Research. GA AWARDS: An acronym...

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