Cornerstone Landing Page A picture is worth a thousand words. Please accept apologies because my title is nearly a picture. I just couldn't pinch the title to a few words. That said... The authoritarian spray of standardization has spread harm and inflicted damage to...
I started this blog in 2005 to augment my book The Art of Teaching Science (Public Library), and to write about progressive & humanistic science teaching. Over the years it morphed into a blog that not only explores science education, but its more of a...
Latest Story There are 15 people running for Georgia State School Superintendent in the primary election on May 20th. There are 9 Republicans and 6 Democrats jockeying for positions for the November election. In this post I want to explore issues that ought to be...
A growing criticism of the Common Core State Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards is that its a way for progressives to inject their philosophies and ideology onto children and youth in American schools. One reader of this blog made...
Figure 1. Unbound Learning Learning is limited by the test-based and standards-based accountability system that holds the reins on the curriculum of American schools. One of the consequences of this system of accountability is the limitations it has imposed on...
In this post I am going to claim that evolution is a law, no different from the accepted laws of gravitation or motion. However, as science teachers, we know that students can be helped to build their own meaning and understanding of evolution, or gravity, or motion...