Progressive World-View

Georgia World News: Trump, Voting Loss of Rights, HB 888, & Guns

Georgia World News: Trump, Voting Loss of Rights, HB 888, & Guns

Georgia World News: There is so much to keep up with here in Georgia.  I don’t know where to start. How about Trump, Voting loss of rights, HB 888 and Guns.

When a Coup Attempt Goes Unpunished, It Becomes a Training Exercise

When a Coup Attempt Goes Unpunished, It Becomes a Training Exercise

The unprecedented attack on the nation’s Capitol building, encouraged by Trump and other actors who appeared on the rally stage on January 6, may result in sedition charges against the former president and his sycophants.



Today is a watershed in American history. We've passed through a wall of anger, hate and resentment into open spaces of possibility, truthfulness, authenticity, light, dreams, character, harmony, bridges, wholeness, diversity and bravery. President Joe Biden and...

Trump to put georgian’s at risk

So, Donald Trump plans a campaign rally Monday in Whitfield County ahead of the Georgia Senate runoff. Not only has it “been hard-hit by COVID,” Whitfield County is now one of only two counties having more than one thousand COVID-19 cases per ten...

Trump, The Super Spreader, Released from Walter Reed

Trump, The Super Spreader, Released from Walter Reed

For 8 months Donald J. Trump, aka “the super spreader, lied about COVID 19. He ignored and dismissed the health advice of the country’s top infectious disease experts. He admitted playing down the serious nature of the disease. Meanwhile more than 1 million Americans are infected. Over 210,000 people have died. Now he has the disease. Or so we’ve been told. Trump’s behavior has been stupid, foolish, dumb, ludicrous, laughable, half-baked, inane, pointless, irrelevant. You name it.Trump has used the episode this week end as a campaign strategy to get reelected. I think he used the virus as a tool in his reelection campaign. Do you remember some months ago that he walked to a church across from the White House to hold up (upside down) a Bible. Finally, Did he go to the hospital to hold us up?

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