Thirty-five Atlanta Public School educators were accused by a grand jury of racketeering, false statements and writings, false swearing, theft by taking and influencing witnesses. How could this happen in the Atlanta Public Schools (APS)? The district is in a city...
In this post I am going to argue that it is a mistake for large school districts such as Chicago, New York, and Atlanta to close schools on the basis of achievement and cost effectiveness. The Chicago School District announced that they plan to close 61 schools which...
Guest Post By Melissa Walker, Executive Director of JazzHouseKids, and Peter Smagorinsky, Distinguished Research Professor of English Education at the University of Georgia. This article appeared on Maureen Downey's Get Schooled Blog, Atlanta Journal-Constitution....
There are a lot of people in the U.S. who think that the only way you can decide whether students learn is with a test. In fact, Jeb Bush, former Governor of Florida, has decided to get involved in education in Texas. Being a guru on testing, he backs...
If you go over to the U.S. Department of Education website, you will find the Secretary Arne Duncan's statement on the release of the 2011 TIMSS and PIRLS assessment. You can read it online here, and I've copied it and posted it below. Highlighted (my own) words...
Guest Post: Ed Johnson, Advocate for Quality Public Education, Atlanta, Georgia. Ed Johnson consults as Quality Information Solutions, Inc., with a commitment to human social and cultural systems to receive quality information from information systems for...