The Georgia Opportunity School District Slips Away from the Hands of Privatizers. This is a great victory of teachers and their students, and the integrity of local control of the education of youth. There were no professional educational organizations that were part...
Let's Vote the Opportunity School District Down: Vote No on Amendment 1, Georgia Ballot For the past six months, we've documented why the Opportunity School District is a bad deal for Georgia schools. Deal says that the OSD will enable parents and teachers to fix...
Deal, The Bully, Calls Local School Boards Power Hungry Monopolies Because They Oppose His Misfortunate School District monopoly: exclusive control of a commodity or service in a particular market bully: a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually...
If Poverty & Financial Hardship Affect Cognitive Function, Then is the Opportunity School District a Good Idea? The Opportunity School District is a plan by the Governor's Office in Georgia to take over "chronically failing" schools across the state. To be...
Misfortunate School District The Governor and a few elected Georgia legislators--Democrats & Republicans alike, approved a bill that will be voted on in the November 8, 2016 election. If passed, the state constitution will be will enable the Governor to create his...
Winners and Losers In his Op-Ed in the Nation, Henry A. Giroux links Donald Trump to the plague of atomization in a neoliberal age. What was important to me, among other things in his Op-Ed was his reference to a 1946 essay by Leo Lowenthal, entitled...