History & Philosophy

Billions and Billions: From Galaxies to Dollars—Funding in Science

In the widely popular PBS program Cosmos, Carl Sagan approximated the numbers of planets, stars and galaxies in the Universe as "billions and billions"---his famous catch phrase.   Over the past several months, American's have been reintroduced to the phrase "billions...

Stimulating Science

ScienceDebate2008 has been carefully monitoring, and indeed, encouraging participants in supporting the passage of the stimulus bill, which will be signed into law by President Obama in Colorado, on Tuesday. There are two broad strokes that have been taken to...

On the Darwin & Lincoln Birthdays

Today is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln.  Yes, these two important people were born on the same day in the same year, February 12, 1809.  One would go on to explain how humans evolved as part of nature, and the other would go...

On the Darwin & Lincoln Birthdays

Today is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln.  Yes, these two important people were born on the same day in the same year, February 12, 1809.  One would go on to explain how humans evolved as part of nature, and the other would go...

Track II Diplomacy and Science Teaching

In yesterday's post, I used the phrase "track II diplomacy" when I was reporting an interview with Dr. Peter Agre, the new president of the AAAS. It turns out that Dr. Agre agrees with a group of American scientists who wish to talk with North Korean scientists, in a...

Science Survey: What Matters Most to You?

I received an email from ScienceDebate2008 asking to complete a survey designed by the National Academies to find out what matters most to interested participants.  At the site you will read this statement: The National Academies want to develop websites, podcasts,...

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