History & Philosophy

Using Fear to Attack Teachers and Hold Schools Hostage

This week's Newsweek magazine included three lead articles entitled Why we can't get rid of failing teachers?, Schoolyard Brawl, and Blackboard Jungle. The next day, Teacher Magazine featured an online discussion related to these articles entitled Is Firing Bad...

Why Using Achievement Test Results Is Not The Road To Take

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I---I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.---Robert Frost From the White House, to most Governor's houses around the country, Americans are being led down a pathway that the creative and innovative...

Celebrating Individuality?

Yesterday I republished a post I wrote in October about the Race to the Top Fund, which is a $4.3 billion effort by the U.S. Department of Education to grant to winning States millions of dollars to increase student achievement, use student achievement data to...

Hacked Emails, Global Heating and Science Education

I just returned from England, which of course became the center of climate controversy after hundreds of e-mails were stolen from the Climate Research Unit at East Anglia University. As we all know by now, these private emails (but what is private in the world of the...

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