History & Philosophy

Science Literacy in Letters to the Editor

There has recently been a flurry of letters to editor in the Marietta Daily Journal (Georgia) that were promted by a editorial two weeks ago by a Rev. Price concerning intelligent design. There has also been another subset of letters prompted by a Jeffrey Selman who...

James Madion and Science Education

Today, my wife and I visited James Madison's Montpelier, where his and Dolly Madison's home is being restored back to the original design when the Madison's lived there. Portions of the house (which was owned by others after it was sold by Dolly Madion, including the...

Putting Science Back into the Curriculum

The State of Alaska put a "bit of science" back into its state science curriculum standards. And what was that "bit"? Evolution! It turns out that the Anchorage School District made the proposal to change the life science standard to read: "...an understanding of how...


For the past four years, America has faced a clear and present danger.  It seems as if every day, Trump said or did something that sends you running for cover.  Even after he was defeated by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, Donald Trump has done nothing to help the...

Free Minds

"Dogmatism and sectarianism must go, for Almighty God had made the mind free," said Thomas Jefferson more than 200 years ago (See Edwin S. Gaustad's book on Thomas Jefferson). For decades, dogmatists have tried to convince us that its okey to teach evolution, as long...

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