History & Philosophy

Kansas Reverses Science Standards on Evolution

Science education is in the news again in Kansas. The Kansas State Board of Education has changed the language in the science standards suggesting that basic evolutionary concepts were controversial and being challenged by new research. Now this statement is out, and...

Varieties of Scientific Experience

Carl Sagan was a scientist who helped us understand the immense beauty of the universe, and enrich our understanding of science. Through his books, TV programs, and public appearances he instilled wonder as an underlying force of science. Now, ten years after his...

Stem Cell Bill Passes House

Today the US House of Representatives passed another stem cell bill by a vote of 253 to 174. The bill would authorize federal support for research using stem cells derived from excess embryos that fertility clinics would otherwise discard. President Bush vetoed the...

California: The Environmental Action State

In the past year the Governor of California has challenged the "environmentally challenged" to listen to scientific research on important issues about the environment, health, biological research, and respect for work. In a Washington Post article, many of these ideas...

The Federal Budget Stymies Science Research

Since I am in the Washington DC area, I thought it was appropriate to write about an issue that crosses science research with the U.S. Congress. Last year, Congress passed only 2 (military & domestic security, eg. the wars in the Middle East) out of 11 spending...

Is the North Korean Nuclear Bomb Test a Science Education Issue?

The short answer is yes. Here's a longer answer. In 1986, Richard Rhodes published the Pulitzer Prize book, The Making of the Atomic Bomb giving us a sweeping account of the making of the first atomic bomb, including who and how they did it. Image: The Making of the...

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