
Why do we teach science?

A new generation of science standards was developed several years ago. The Conceptual Framework for New Science Standards was developed by a committee selected by the National Research Council, with funding from the Carnegie Foundation. The Framework will guide the...

Voluntary, nationwide education standards in science. Voluntary?

"Standards as a flag to lead us forth contrasts for me with standards as a way of standardizing our minds" Deborah Meier Voluntary, nationwide education standards in science! Voluntary? I don't think so. But that is the language being used to describe the National...

STEM Education: Is it Botany or Science Education?

There was an article published today in the New York Times entitled STEM Education has little to do with flowers written by Natalie Angier.  She started her article this way: If you want to talk about bolstering science and math education in this country, I’ll gladly...

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