Taylor & Francis announced that it has developed an online resource called Educating for BlackLives. The website includes four set of resources: Foundational Research and TheoryPractical Applications and TheoryInformal and Community LearningIntersections The...
A growing criticism of the Common Core State Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards is that its a way for progressives to inject their philosophies and ideology onto children and youth in American schools. One reader of this blog made...
The Common Core State Standards (Common Standards) have been implemented for about four years. According to the developers (the folks over at Achieve) and it's billionaire financiers, such as Bill Gates, the Common Standards are benchmarked against high performing...
Figure 1. Unbound Learning Learning is limited by the test-based and standards-based accountability system that holds the reins on the curriculum of American schools. One of the consequences of this system of accountability is the limitations it has imposed on...
Sixth Article in the Series on The Artistry of Teaching Does neoliberal education reform consider the nature of adolescence and the advances in our understanding of how humans learn? Is it necessary for every American human adolescent to learn the same content, in...
A colleague in Massachusetts alerted me to an article in Educationnext, an opinion and research site sponsored by the Hoover Institution and The Thomas Fordham Institute. The article, written by the editor-in-chief of Educationnext, Paul E. Peterson, and Peter...