Charter Schools

8 Myths About Charter Schools

Empowered Georgia has identified 8 myths as reasons to oppose a charter school law that might go into effect in November. Is your state next in line to follow the chartered school path in Georgia at the expense of public schools--it's parents, students, and teachers?...

Give Us Charter Schools, Or We’ll Amend the Georgia Constitution

In the November 2012 election, citizens of Georgia will vote (charter school amendment) to re-establish the State Charter School Commission which will have the power to create charter schools anywhere in the state, even without local school board approval. A few days...

Charter Schools: Education’s 21st Century Philospher’s Stone?

Charter Schools: Education’s 21st Century Philospher’s Stone?

Charter schools are seen as a cure-all to raise test scores of American students. It kind of like a philosopher's stone, or a 19th century elixir, to serve as an antidote for the ills of traditional public schools. Many policymakers are motivated by the delusion that...

Charter Schools in Georgia: Corporate Reformer's Magic Bullet

Charter Schools in Georgia: Corporate Reformer's Magic Bullet

Georgia is moving closer to enabling corporate reformers to open charter schools throughout the state without local school district approval.  To these corporate reformers, charter schools are seen as the magic bullet that will save our schools from the incompetence...

Charter Schools: Education’s New Elixir?

In her new book, Dr. Lisa Delpit suggests that the original idea of charter school has been corrupted.  She explains that originally, charter schools were designed to be "beacons" for educational excellence.  Charter schools were to be designed to develop...

Charter Schools: Education's New Elixir?

In her new book, Dr. Lisa Delpit suggests that the original idea of charter school has been corrupted.  She explains that originally, charter schools were designed to be "beacons" for educational excellence.  Charter schools were to be designed to develop...

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