Syllabi Archive

The syllabi that follow present a variety of experiences in science education including courseswork for initial science teacher preparation, advanced graduate level science education and school-district-based seminars. Unless material is identified as copyrighted, users can make use of any of the material presented herein.

Initial Science Teacher Education Course Sequence. Three syllabi are shown here that were used in the TEEMS Science Teacher Education Program at GSU. The program admits students who have a degree in science or engineering, and involves them as a cadre for four terms leading to initial certification (grades 7-12 in science), and a master's degree in science education. The full time program begins in the summer, and continues through the following fall, spring and summer terms.

SAMPLE Syllabi:

Summer Institute--Initial Experience in the TEEMS Sequence

Fall Term Course and Internship in a Middle School--2nd Experience in the TEEMS Sequence

Spring Term Course and Internship in a High School--3nd Experience in the TEEMS Sequence

Master's Level Science Education Course. This syllabus is designed for a science education course at the Master's level focusing on the theory and pedogogy of science teaching. Students enrolled in this course typically are teaching science at either the middle or high school level, and concurrently pursuing a master's degree in science educatiion.

EDSC 7550: Theory and Pedagogy in Science Teaching

Ph.D. Level Graduate Seminars in Science Education. The two syllabi shown here are designed for doctoral students pursuing a Ph.D. in science education.

Research Seminar in Science Education

Doctoral Seminar: Perspectives in Science Education
