Inquiry Activities

There are 33 Inquiry Activities spread throughout The Art of Teaching Science.  The Inquiry Activities are designed to help students construct their ideas about science teaching in collaborative groups.  Here are five of them for your perusal.  Clicking on any one will take you to the full activity. Enjoy!

Inquiry 1.1: Exploring Your Initial Ideas About Science Teaching

A great Inquiry to use at the beginning of a course to help students assess their knowledge of science teaching

Inquiry 5.1: How Do Students Learn Science?

A field-based Inquiry in which your students interview practicing science teachers to find about how student learn science

Inquiry 7.1: Developing Science PCK

Students explore the "science standards" and find out about pedagogical content knowledge

Inquiry 12.2: Network Science-Exploring Online Projects

Using the Internet, students investigate and compare found web-based science programs.