What is the Art of Teaching Science blog about?

The Art of Teaching Science is a blog about science education and social issues. You will find information about important issues (climate and nuclear threats, climate change, poverty, racism, & social activism). You will also find how public education is being eroded by standards-based testing, common core of standards, privatization and school choice.

Who developed the site?

Jack Hassard, former teacher and Emeritus Professor of Science Education, Georgia State University.

Who will benefit from the blog’s content?

The blog is designed for science educators, and individuals seeking knowledge about educational reform and contemporary social issues.

Can I write an article for this blog?

If you are so inclined, write and submit a guest post article of 800 words that relates to the content of the blog. Send your article here.

Are there any resources available related to the content of the blog?

There is a link to books that are available on Amazon. The resources include e-books, and published books. There are also links to outstanding bloggers who I follow, and some websites that provide resources on Inquiry Teaching and the Global thinking project.