An Existential Threat

Written by Jack Hassard

On November 16, 2023

Overview: The Trump Files, by Jack Hassard, presents Donald Trump as an existential threat to the US and the entire world. It details his efforts to push an authoritarian state, his disrespect towards American allies, and his detrimental impact on various areas like democracy, human rights, science, and public health. The author fears Trump’s potential return in 2024 and warns of the grave implications. However, the author upholds faith in the democratic process and underscores the power of voting in preventing a downside for American society.

As I have written in The Trump Files, Donald Trump is an existential threat not only to the United States but to the world. His goal is an authoritarian state, with him as a dictator. He has worked on this for years, and thousands of people support him. Fortunately, we have more than 200 years as a democracy, and Trump found out in 2020-21 that it wasn’t easy to overthrow a democracy that exists here.

Trump says publically that he is “proud election denier.” He also has stated he is a victim of a political system that is out to get me and you. But don’t worry, Donald will stand in the way to protect us. No, he won’t. He recently used to the word vermin to describe everyone on the other side of the aisle. He claims that these people pose a greater threat to the United States than countries such as Russia, China, or North Korea. As I point out in The Trump Files, he went out of his way to cozy up to leaders of these countries and worked hard to denigrate relationships with allies. He is interested in using mob tactics “to root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections.” Trump made this claim in a recent campaign speech. As he claims, these people will do anything, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America and destroy the American dream. Trump is out to destroy the American dream and turn the government against Americans doing anything to implement authoritarianism.

Existential Threat

I wrote the following as Final Words in The Trump Files:

The Trump Files reveals the wide range of harm brought on American democracy, human rights, science, and public health by Donald Trump and his administration.

Unfortunately, Donald Trump is advancing the Big Lie with support from a large group of sycophants in the United States Congress and millions of followers from around the country. Imagine it is 2024, and at the RNC, Donald Trump becomes the party’s nominee for president again for the third time.

Recall that Lawrence Douglas wondered if Trump would leave the White House no matter what the outcome of 2020 election. Douglas asked, “Will he go?”

Now the question is: Will he run? According to many journalists and political scientists, the likelihood is that Trump desires to run again. That Trump could be elected president again and return to the White House will, in my opinion, be the third existential threat facing the world.

I’ll be eighty-four when the 2024 election comes around, and I’ll cast my ballot by mail, come hell or high water. The Republicans in Georgia have gone out of their way to make it harder to vote. But those of us who care about free and fair elections will be out in droves. Look out for us.

As Congressman John Lewis reminded us: “The vote is precious. It is almost sacred. It is the most powerful nonviolent tool we have in a democracy.”

Hassard, Jack. The Trump Files: An Account of the Trump Administration’s Effect on American Democracy, Human Rights, Science and Public Health (pp. 465-466). Northington-Hearn Publishing LLC. Kindle Edition.
Speak up and Vote

The only way to prevent Trump from entering the Oval Office again is for us to get out and vote and stand up for a democratic way of life. Remaining silent and not voting is not an option in a democracy.

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