Today, we achieved a Watershed in US history by electing Barack Obama as our next President.
What else is there to say.
I received a letter from Ed Johnson questioning the rationale for naming the APS central office, "The Alonzo A. Crim Center for Learning and Leadership." Dr. Crim was superintendent of the Atlanta Public Schools, 1973 - 1988, and then became Professor of Education at...
This is an email that I received from Mr. Ed Johnson, Advocate for Quality in Education. His letter, which was addressed to Atlanta Public School Leadership and others is followed by a letter from Vera Eidelman, ACLU Action which speaks to the issues of...
Welcome to the new and revised design for The Art of Teaching weblog. I've changed the title to The Art of Teaching followed by the subtitle: Progressive Science Education. Since 2005, when I started writing this blog, I have used Wordpress as the publishing platform....