2nd Edition Art of Teaching Science to be Published in July 2008

Written by Jack Hassard

On February 17, 2008

Mike Dias and I have completed the revision of The Art of Teaching Science, 2nd Edition. We completed the manuscript, tables, figures and companion web material in early February, and the plan is for the book (see an image of the 2nd edition below) to be published in July, 2008 by Routledge Publishers.

One of the interesting aspects of the revision was there was no paper trail. All text, tables and figures were submitted online to our editors, and they returned revised documents online for our review. Green was the order of the day. If we had submitted “hard” copies of the manuscript we would have taken several trees (1300 pages of text).

For those of you who would like to order a copy of the book for review and as a possible text in your courses, you can request one here.

Art of Teaching Science

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