Chapter 8

Syllabus Helpers

This chapter presents assessment from three vantage points: the classroom level, the national level, and the international level. This approach will provide your students with specific strategies to use to assess classroom instruction, as well as inform them about recent emphases on national and international comparisons of science progress. To augment the constructivist approach advocated in previous chapters, this chapter presents assessment tools for an active learning environment.

Pedagogical Tool

Initial Case Study

Mrs. Cronin's Whirlybird Project: Assessment in Action?

A teacher uses a laborabory activity as a way to assess student thinking. A group of college interns question the strategy.

Invitations to Inquiry

Focus questions for the chapter, p. 300

The focus questions outline the key ideas that teachers need to incorporate into knowledge about assessment.

Inquiry Activities

Inquiry Activity 8.1: Designing an Assessment Plan

Inquiry Activity 8.2: Designing Performance Assessment Tasks

Inquiry Activity 8.3: Surveyiing Students' Knowledge and Attitudes about Science

Design an evaluation plan for a unit of teaching.

Design a performance task to assess a big idea in science.

Use NAEP questions to assess student knowledge and attitudes about science.

Case Study

The False Crisis in Science Education, p. 323

Is there really a crisis in education? A reporter's remarks spark a debate on this question.

Science Education Literature

Science Literacy: Lessons from the First Generation by Marlene M. Hurley

The author sheds light on the issues related to science literacy and illiteracy.

Think Pieces

Sample Think Piece: What are the elements of a model of assessment that you would implement with middle or high school students?

The Think Pieces help students focus and reflect on assessment issues.

Problems and Extensions

Sample P & E: What are examples of performance assessments in life science? Can you give examples from physical, earth and STS?

Problems and Extensions provide opportunities for further research on assessment issues.


p. 327

Key pieces of literature related to assessment.

On the Web

p. 327

You will find links to several assessment sites.