Chapter 7: Designing Science Units and Courses of Study
Syllabus Helpers
Invitations to Inquiry Focus questions for Chapter 7, pp.
259-260 The focus questions outline the key ideas
that teachers need to incorporate into the development of
teaching strategies and lessons plans. Inquiry Activities Inquiry Activity 7.1: Developing Science
PCK Inquiry Activity 7.2: Designing a Science
Miniunit Inquiry Activity 7.3: Designing a Course
of Study: The Course Syllabus Apply PCK to various domains of science
teaching and content from the Standards A constructivist process used to develop
a unit of science teaching Learn how to use key course elements to
design a syllabus in an area of science Teaching Units Design Steps Part of Inquiry 7.2 outlining the steps
for developing teaching plans A detailed process that enables students
to develop teaching plans constructively Sample Lessons Sample Lesson 7.1: Biological
Attraction Sample Lesson 7.2: Drugs, Alchohol, and
Tobacco Sample Lesson 7.3: Electricity--Make It
Light! Sample Lesson 7.4: Direct
Intruction--Natural and Processed Foods Sample Lesson 7.5: Cooperative
Learning--Mystery at the Ringgold Roadcut Sample Lesson 7.6: Inquiry--Investigating
Mass, Volume, and Density Sample Lesson 7.7:
Constructivism--Electromagnetism Examples of three different templates
(Sample lessons 7.1 - 7.3) that students can use as they
construct lesson plans, including a constructivist plan, an
outline, and a chart form, respectively. Sample Lessons 7.4
- 7.7 include examples of plans for direct instruction,
cooperative learning, inquiry, and constructivism
respectively. Think Pieces Sample think piece: What are the
advantages and disadvantages of stating objectives in
behavioral orf performance terms? This and other think pieces provide
opportunities for reflection on the planning
process. Science Teachers Talk Teachers discuss: What tips would you
give beginning teachers in planning and preparing
lessons? Hear from Virginia Cheek, Ben Boza,
Rachel Zgonc (a first year teacher when she responed to this
question), Jerry Pelletier, John Ricciardi, and Ginny
Almeder. Planning Activities Planning Activity 7.1: Earth
Science--Shake, Rattle and Quake: Earthquake
Waves Planning Activity 7.2: Earth
Science--Don't Take It for Granite: Rock
Classification Planning Activity 7.3: Life
Science--Light On: Responses of Earthworms Planning Activity 7.4: Physical
Science--Chemistry in the Bag Planning Activity 7.5: Physical
Science--An Eggzact Experiment These five activities are not only
science activities that can be used in the K-12 environment,
but provide the university professor with applications to
science teaching useful in a pedagogical course. Problems and Extensions Sample P & E: Prepare concepts maps
for one of the following: a. a chapter from a high school
biology, chemistry, earth science, or physics text. b. a
potential miniunit on electric circuits, physical and
chemical changes, reproduction, erosion, ground water
pollution. You will find other P and E's that will
involve your students in thinking about their miniunit, and
how to evaluate it. Readings p. 298 You will find a collection of science
activity books, and resources on teaching
strategies. On the Web p. 298 A collection of websites that will bring
your students in contact with biology, chemistry, earth
science, and physical science resources.