Chapter 3: The Goals and History of Science Education

Syllabus Helpers

The focus of this chapter is on the goals and the development of ideas of the science curriculum. In the chapter we explore the changes in the goals of science education during the past century, but will pay particular attention to the contemporary nature of the science curriculum and reports and recommendations issued by a number of groups, commissions, and professional societies.

Pedagogical Tool

Initial Case Study

Divine Intervention, p. 80

This case focuses on the issue of evolution and creation science in the context of adopting science textbooks.

Invitations to Inquiry

Focus questions for the chapter on p.80

Key invitations include How and why have the goals of science education changed, and what will science education emphasize in the early part of the twenty-first century?

Inquiry Activities

Inquiry Activity 3.1: The Goals of the Science Curriculum

Inquiry Activity 3.2: Icons of Science Education: How Do They Tell the Story of Science Education

Inquiry Activity 3.3: How Were Course Improvement Projects of the 1960s Different from the Reform Projects of the 1990s?

Ranking goals of science teaching and comparing the results to a research study.

An inquiry into the major phases of the history of ideas in science education by identifying icons.

Comparing and contrasting projects from the Golden Age of Science Education to the Reform Era of the 1990s and into the 21st Century

Case Studies

Rehasing the Sixties


New Science Goals---Just Another Fad

Is the report, Science for All Americans by the AAAS simply a rehash of the sixties approach to science education?

A parent objects to a "new" set of goals for a science course.

Science Education Literature

Back To The Future With Science Education by Jarry Loeppke

Is the "rethink" about science education goals and programs leading us in the right direction?

Science Timeline

The Parrott Timeline

A timeline developed by Annette Parrott on the developments in science, science education, and technology

Think Pieces

Sample: How have the goals of the science curriculum changed over the past twenty years? p. 105

This and other think pieces can be used to help students reflect on the concept of change in science currciulum development.

Problems and Extensions

Sample: Design a time line of events in the history of science teaching in the last two centuries. Plot the events on adding machine tape.

A powerful way to help your students understand changes in their profession.


pp. 110-111

Included are some important books (the Pathway series) published by NSTA that help teachers understand the NSES.

On the Web

p. 111

Links to key projects related to the development of the NSES.