
You are part of a team of planetary scientists and explorers contracted by a firm from the Planet Gliese 581c, orbiting a dim red star Gliese 581, 20 light years from Earth. Your team's task is to investigate various PHENOMENA that interest the Prime Scientific Society (PSS) of Gliese. Your team should use Terrra Firma Data Bases available on the World Wide Web and on CD-Roms secured from the Gliese Resource Center. Your team will have to provide a written report to be submitted to the Prime Scientific Society. You will also have to create a PowerPoint and/or Website and publish it on the WWW.


Artist rendition of the star Gliese 581 with several orbiting planets, including the Earth-like planet, Gliese 581c. Referred to as the Goldilocks planet, Gliese 581c is not too big or hot, and not too small or cold, but seems to have the right temperature and distance from its sun (star) to have water and perhaps support life.

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